SUD Recovery Employment Support

Designed to support individuals on that journey to finding continued success.

Employment is a powerful aspect of substance use disorder (SUD) recovery, as it offers recovering individuals a sense of meaning and accomplishment. The RECOVER (Recovery Employment Connections for Occupations, Vocations, and Employer Resources) program is designed to support individuals on that journey to finding continued success.


Helping individuals pursue their dreams and live a more independent life.


We remain in contact with the participant, treatment facility, and employer as needed to ensure success. During this time, job coaches and clients continue to work on areas that need to be addressed or improved.

Community outreach

The RECOVER program is designed to support individuals on their path as they seek to achieve continued success.

Recovery support

With opportunities for vocational assessment and job search support, we ensure that our clients are ready to enter or reenter the workforce, equipping them for success in recovery and in the workplace.

Meaningful employment

Matching each client with a position that reflects personal skills and interests allows each individual to thrive in recovery and at work. We help clients visualize life after addiction.

Ready to learn more?

Find out how we help people with disabilities gain valuable experience.

Lisa Kerr-Feerst, Workforce Outreach & Engagement Specialist
(412) 737-6030