Announcing the 2020 Business Partner of the Year Honorees

Honoring the 2020 Business Partners of the Year: Pitt Logistics and Printing Services, Panera Bread - BkSq, and Little Earth Productions.

We are thrilled to announce the 2020 Business Partner of the Year Honorees! This year, we are recognizing Pitt Logistics and Printing Services, Panera Bread – BkSq, and Little Earth Productions. These area organizations have made a commitment to diversity and inclusion by supporting our clients and our mission in many ways.

The Honorees

At Pitt Logistics and Printing Services, clients work in the Pitt Surplus Property warehouse on e-Waste and technology recycling projects. As a part of the recycling program there, Life’sWork clients completely disassemble and remove old hard drives so they can be destroyed as the last line of defense for data security. Pitt hired clients in the Small Group Staffing program to work at the warehouse three days a week, and they have been an immense help on the project!

Over in Bakery Square, another one of our clients has been busy at work as a front-of house associate at Panera Bread. Ronald was placed at the Bakery Square location as a part of our Supported Employment program and has been in his position for nearly a year, with great success! Supervisors were eager to take Ronald on to the team, and the staff who work alongside him have quickly become friends and enjoy the shifts they spend together.

Little Earth Productions hosts small groups of clients as a part of the Community Participation Initiatives program, which aims to get clients out and involved in organizations throughout the community. They provide packaging and quality control projects for clients to take on alongside the regular warehouse staff. Little Earth designs and produces sports fashion apparel and accessories for professional and college teams across the country – including the Pittsburgh Steelers’ own Terrible Towel, a favorite of our clients!

Join us!

The 2020 Business Partner of the Year Honorees will be recognized at the 2020 Growing Dreams Gala, taking place on March 26th at Phipps Conservatory. Tickets are available for purchase here.